This unit provides students with an opportunity to focus at an advanced level on the distinctives of the Vineyard movement. It enables students to critically examine theological, historical and sociological perspectives within the Vineyard’s ministry practice and to examine how to apply those perspectives to contemporary ministry.
The unit takes a thorough look at the history of the Vineyard from its early association with Chuck Smith and the Calvary Chapel movement through to becoming a global movement in the 21st Century. Special emphasis will be placed on the ministry of John Wimber and his ecclesiological and theological perspectives.
An examination of core beliefs and practices, and the local and global implications they have had for the movement will be undertaken.
This course unit provides students with an opportunity to focus at an advanced level on the denominational distinctives of the Vineyard movement. It enables students to critically examine theological, historical and sociological perspectives within the ministry practice of the Vineyard and to examine how to apply those perspectives to contemporary ministry.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
Welcome to Church and Mission. This subject has a two-fold focus. The first focus is found in sessions 1 to 5 and aims to give you foundational teaching to assist you in understanding the key local church functions of worship, community and mission. The following five sessions look at different aspects of ministry and church life to assist you to understand and participate more fully in the life of God’s church.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
Healing Prayer aims to establish a strong biblical and theological foundation for the student to better understand how God works , and how he wants to work through his church, in the area of healing. The unit also seeks to encourage and equip the student to engage in the practical ministry of healing.
A number of different categories of healing are examined such as physical, spiritual, emotional, demonisation, relational, etc.
This undergraduate course unit aims to provide for students a biblical and theological understanding of Christian healing and its practice as seen in biblical, historical and current day contexts. It will enable the student to reflect on the importance of healing in their own personal life and ministry, as well as its place in today’s church. The unit is an Elective unit and may form a part of a Major in the Discipline of Pastoral Theology within the Bachelor awards.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
A key focus of the theology of the Vineyard Movement is on the kingdom of God: it is central not only to the movement’s theology, but also gives shape to the ministry practice of Vineyard churches. In this Unit we present teaching on the kingdom of God which compares a variety of views on the Kingdom with the “inaugurated, enacted eschatology” viewpoint held by the Vineyard and based on the teaching of George Eldon Ladd.
The unit also presents a teaching and practical application of a “third-wave” view on the work of the Holy Spirit, especially as it relates to spiritual gifts, and with a particular study of the gift of prophecy. Pneumatologies other than a third wave view are also discussed.
This unit aims to equip students with a strong theological and biblical grounding for the work of ministry. It has a strong emphasis on both theory and practice related to the kingdom of God and Spirit-empowered life and ministry.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
This course is designed to produce radical followers of Jesus, who both announce and demonstrate the Kingdom of God, with emphasis on the “demonstrating” aspect. It also seeks to develop a strong biblical and theological foundation to support this ministry, and which is laid down more thoroughly in the Vineyard unit entitled “Kingdom and Spirit”. It is expected that students will have completed the unit Kingdom and Spirit before commencing this unit.
At the end of this unit students will be able to :
It is clear that both the western world and western Christianity are experiencing paradigmatic change. Western Christianity is often closely identified with western cultural values and mores. However, more recent cultural shifts have resulted in churches finding themselves increasingly on the margins of a rapidly changing society. The stage is set for some conflict, uncertainty and creativity within Christian organizations. There is an urgent need for leadership to be shaped by ‘kingdom’ values and practices and to redefine itself in light of the nature and mission of God in Christ. Leaders that embark on the transformational journey towards missional embodiment are essential for the future effectiveness and influence of the church in the Australian context.
This unit is designed to help leaders and potential leaders to understand the foundation of leadership founded in the essential nature of God and positioned within the kingdom of God, to develop crucial leadership character and skills and to position them to be persons of missional influence in churches and the culture.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
This course unit examines the nature and practice of missional leadership. It lays a foundation for the shaping of the missional leader in light of God’s essential nature- love, and founded in the missio Dei (the mission of God). Participants will be challenged to develop a biblical model of leadership based on Jesus’ ministry and to develop a strategy for their own ongoing spiritual and personal nourishment. Participants will also understand the changing nature of ministry and church in the western context and the necessary changes to leadership styles and focus.
This unit will introduce students to Biblically grounded and culturally adapted approaches to following Jesus in the contemporary context. It will investigate theories and practices of discipleship, spiritual transformation and disciple making for the 21st century.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
This course recognises that a person who is called to minister in a team situation will find their ministry enhanced if they understand more of the dynamics of team ministry. The content is designed to assist in the development of leadership skills and will provide practical skills for increasing organisational effectiveness. It will introduce the student to some of the dynamics of team ministry such as the nature of teams, their effectiveness as well as some of the pitfalls. A particular focus is on the development of intercultural teams both in terms of local church ministry and in working in cross-cultural teams to reach a different (i.e. non-shared) culture. This course unit builds upon previous theoretical and applied reflections in previous units.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
This course unit introduces students to the initial skills and fundamental principles involved in the preparation and delivery of sermons.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
Spiritual Formation is the process of restoration in which we are formed into the image of God through Jesus Christ. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit that initiates, designs and implements this process in our lives. Our part is to be open and willing to participate in that reforming. Spiritual Formation Units are year-long in their duration involving practical and academic activities that cause us to awaken to God’s maturing action within us.
This particular unit explores sustainable models of personal transformation that are based on the life and ministry of Jesus. An essential first step to experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promises is being and becoming a beloved child of God. When we learn that we are graciously accepted in this way, we discover good and beautiful narratives that allow us to be drawn by love, vision and Spirit rather than driven by fear, guilt and shame. God’s Spirit empowers us to accomplish those things we cannot accomplish in our own strength. When we participate with the Spirit to follow Jesus on this journey, we experience a radical integration of our head, heart and hands that transforms how we serve and lead.
ACOM considers Spiritual Formation units to be essential in preparation for Christian ministry as well as for those who already are well established in ministry because it’s a lifelong activity. Spiritual Formation units are designed for a variety of ages and stages in life in general. Students engaging with these topics and activities will increase their God-awareness, self-awareness, personal functioning and spiritual maturity for life and ministry.
Spiritual maturity involves:
Character Formation involves:
Ministry Formation involves:
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
This course unit aims to introduce students to the literary forms, historical and cultural contexts and theological themes of the Old Testament. It seeks to provide a foundation for further biblical and theological study.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The books of the Old Testament are works of literature, written and received in a particular historical period, for a distinct religious purpose.
The content of this subject includes:
This course unit introduces students to the critical study of the New Testament, its literary forms, historical and cultural contexts and theological themes. It provides a solid foundation for further biblical and theological study.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
A threshold concept to be acquired in this unit is:
The books of the New Testament are works of literature, written and received in a particular historical period, for a distinct religious purpose.
The content of this subject includes:
Hermeneutics is a process that is always taking place. Every time we read or hear the Bible interpretation and application are taking place. The goal of this course is to provide tools and understanding so that this process is conducted in a manner that is healthy. The Bible contains texts that come from a time and place far removed from where we live today. Yet the Christian believes that these texts have application for modern life. The working assumption of this course is that Christians want to be people shaped by the Bible.
This course provides an introduction to some of the key ideas that need to be understood. Students then take these concepts and turn them into a practical exegesis of the text, and apply that exegesis to a context. While some of the terms that have just been used might be strange, the sentiment behind them is one that might sound familiar. The point behind healthy hermeneutics is not knowledge for the sake of knowledge; rather there must be application.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
This Course Unit builds on the Biblical Studies introductory units by investigating the principal literary, historical and theological features of the four Gospels through exegetical methodologies.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
The book of Romans has been described as the crown jewel of Pauline Epistles. It has often been read as a summary of Paul’s New testament teaching on matters of doctrine and practice. While that evaluation is open to debate, it is certain that the letter is a key to understanding many of the most vital aspects of the New Testament. The themes detailed and analysed by Paul in Romans are basic to Christian belief and the intensive study of them in this unit will provide a solid grounding for personal belief and public ministry.
This course unit engages students in a critical examination of the English text of the Epistle to the Romans. It examines the historical context, structure and content of the Epistle with attention given to its theological themes and implications for ministry. As an Advanced Elective unit, this unit builds on the interpretive and exegetical skills formed in pre-requisite units and forms a part of a Biblical Studies major in the degrees.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
This unit shows how the understanding and practice of mission has evolved throughout the centuries in response to the changing needs of the world. It introduces students to the contemporary theological understandings and entry points for mission.
For many, mission is synonymous with proclamation or evangelism. While this has remained constant and urgent throughout the history of the Church’s mission, the demands, trends and insights into mission have changed over the centuries as the needs of the world have changed. It is critical to realise this, to map the changes and to discern the new missionary activities needed today.
For many also, mission is synonymous with missionaries travelling to nations other than their own, so that mission is always cross-cultural. Of course, this view needs to be challenged since the church’s mission is to make disciples of Christ, as much at home as in other nations. Changing patterns of migration mean that now, more than ever, missionary activity at home is also cross-cultural.
But international mission has also changed in several important ways. For example, the direction of travel has changed dramatically. During the 19th and much of the 20th centuries, missionaries travelled from the developed nations of Europe, North America and Australasia to the less developed nations of, for example, Africa, Asia and South America. While missionary travel in that direction has not ceased, most missionaries now travel from those “developing” nations to others, including the traditional sending nations. The duration of their trips has also changed, from many years to a growing trend of short-term mission trips (STMs) of a few days, weeks or months, with many missionaries not learning the language of those they are trying to reach, let alone their culture. In the early 21st century millions of Christians are undertaking STMs each year at a cost of billions of dollars. Biblical stewardship demands that the effectiveness of this be evaluated.
For these reasons, among others, the study of the church’s mission is not only interesting and rewarding, but essential.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
This graduate course unit is an introduction to the practice of youth ministry. It seeks to encourage students to think differently about how to best minister to this post-modern generation. Students will be introduced to ideas and principles applicable to many different contexts and tools to evaluate and implement these principles.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
This course unit provides students with strategies for establishing a culture of discipleship and leadership development within the youth group. The unit guides them in the practice of recruiting and training youth leaders as well as building student leaders.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
Please note the official SCD name for this subject is: Developing Youth Ministry
This course seeks to address the value of ministry with children within the wholistic context of the family and the faith community, believing that scripture teaches us that this is the best model of helping a child’s faith formation develop in a solid and strong way. We long to see children grow and develop a lifelong faith that helps them become the adults God intended them to be.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
This graduate course unit introduces students to concepts that equip them to lead and evaluate Christian worship services
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
Please note the official SCD name for this subject is: Introducing Christian Worship.
Whether you are a pastor, pastoral care worker, chaplain, supervisor or counsellor you have the privilege of being with individuals in meaningful life-impacting conversations where important and often private information is shared. These moments are sacred and demonstrate God’s presence and activity. While your role is to listen, pray and care for the person, there is also opportunity to be an enabler of spiritual and personal growth, to bring out the best in those you are seeking to help!
In cooperation with what the Spirit of God is already doing, this unit will help you learn the skills to take a person on a journey of change and transformation.
Solution-Focused Coaching enables participants to utilise coaching skills as an opportunity to invest in others in a natural and ongoing way so that conversations are eagerly anticipated by the coach and the coachee.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
This unit aims to equip the student to face the unique dilemmas, challenges and opportunities faced by chaplains in a wide variety of situations.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
This course unit is an introduction to practical theology for ministry. It is also an opportunity to overview the biblical and theological foundations of ministry. Common aspects of ministry will be considered.
At the end of the unit students will be able to:
The threshold concept to be acquired in this unit is the interdisciplinary nature of pastoral theology.
The content of this subject includes:
Please note the official SCD name for this subject is: Introduction to Pastoral Theology and Ministry.
This course unit assists those preparing for or engaged in leadership roles in ministry. It involves practical application of what is learnt in other course units and directs learning to the service of others in their faith journey.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The content for this subject includes:
This course unit introduces students to fundamental principles and practices that equip them for constructing and leading Christian worship services.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The content of this subject includes:
Over the last twenty years there has been much change in the Australian church and beyond. Church planting has been both the result of this change, and at the forefront of it. It has been a period of undoing the shackles that have held our thinking and doing of church captive during most of the last century. Now there is both a freedom and encouragement to establish new expressions of church life as seen in church planting.
This course unit recognises that church planting has become a key facet of church life and evangelism and is an important part of Kingdom expansion. It seeks to help students appreciate the biblical and theological foundations of church planting and to equip them in the role they may be called to play in a church plant.
This course unit explores worldview and intercultural communication from theological and practical perspectives. It will help students understand their own worldviews and those of others, and assist them in effective cross-cultural ministry and mission at home or abroad.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
The basic anthropological distinction between form and function is critical to cross-cultural communication. Words or behaviours can mean different things in different cultures, and we must not assume they have the same meaning in another culture as they would in ours. The danger lies in equating our interpretation of observed behaviours with their actual meaning in another cultural context.
The content of this subject includes:
Please note the official SCD name for this subject is: Introduction to Cross-Cultural Mission.
This course unit provides you with an opportunity to experience a supervised fieldwork placement in a cross-cultural context. Engaging in such fieldwork can be both challenging and transformative as it allows you to put your theoretical knowledge of working with other cultures to the practical test.
This course unit provides students with an in-situ experience of cross-cultural mission as a practical adjunct to their theoretical study and so to learn the significance of inter-cultural issues in a living and dynamic situation.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
Please Note: SCD policy limits students to studying one Field work unit per year of full-time study (i.e. every 8 units), and to one Field Work Unit overall per sub-discipline of study also. Please ensure that you do not exceed these enrolment limits. This unit is one of those Field work units.
Section A: Preparation
Students must undertake supervised preparation for their cross-cultural ministry field-work. The preparation will include reading the set textbook and any other set readings pertinent to the specific cultural context to be experienced by their fieldwork coordinator.
In addition, the following preparation must be undertaken. Specific details are to be provided to the student by the Fieldwork Coordinator/Supervisor for each fieldwork placement.
Section B: Field Work
The student will spend at least two weeks immersed in an unfamiliar culture. This learning experience may be local or international. Note that the fieldwork location is subject to an extensive approval process and cannot be modified in the enrolment period.
During the fieldwork, the fieldwork Coordinator will work with the student to:
Section C: Post Field Work
The student will be debriefed upon return and will be required to reflect critically upon their learning. This will be achieved by:
In recent days there has been a lot of talk in our churches around community engagement and community development. Often when we think about community engagement, we immediately start talking about food hampers, feeding programs, visitation, Mainly Music type programs and perhaps even street evangelism. This is slightly different in an international context, where perhaps the focus is on orphanages, fresh water programs, education and relief from natural disasters. Whilst all these things are valuable and have their place, questions need to be asked about how much they engage the broader community (whatever our context) and certainly whether they are developing it.
A misconception when we think about community development is that we are talking about the development of our own Christian Community. You may have spent a lot of your life in various forms of community, and perhaps found that both challenging and rewarding. But when we talk about community development we are not primarily referring to the building up of our particular expression of community behind our walls. Rather, we are referring to what it means for the Church (the people of God in the world) to partner with God and others in the developing of God’s world for and towards His Kingdom.
Do you believe God has a picture of what our communities, our cities and our nation and even our world can look like? Isaiah 58 and 65 suggest that this picture is tied up with the concept of shalom, a very earthy presence of God with us now.
Jesus of course in Matthew 6 talks about seeking first the Kingdom of God, which we sometimes tend to interpret as a personal spiritual reality. If we limit our understanding to this, we limit the impact we as the people of God are meant to have in the world. This unit seeks to expand our understanding of what God is doing in our world and how we can partner with God and others. All this is grounded in a philosophy of community development that allows us to value those whom we are working with as co-labourers. We will also explore practical tools for this kind of engagement.
The first two sessions set up an understanding of the Kingdom of God and what God is doing in the world. Session Three explores our response to this as the people of God, the internal shape necessary for us to respond to God’s agenda. Here we are not so concerned about worship styles and outward expression but more about our attitude and orientation to the world. Often almost by default we can take on an adversarial approach to the world. The Scriptures tell us that God loves the world so how do we position ourselves to love the world? Session Four introduces an over-arching community development framework that is congruent with this understanding of God’s activity. Session 5 sets our Western context. Session Six deals with the context of the developing world, Seven with various approaches to community development we come across in the sector. Sessions 8-10 focus on practical tools and the project management cycle.
At the end of the unit students will be able to articulate a clear theology for community development, be able to work towards employing an empowering methodology and have some practical on the ground skills for effective community engagement.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
Over the ten sessions of this unit we will cover:
This unit will focus on the specific spirituality issues faced by people involved in pioneering mission to emerging global cultures. In relational to spirituality, it will relate to finding God outside the church and in strange places. Christian spirituality has been so tied to a Christendom mode of church, and as a result that we have become dualistic in our understanding of God, church and world. We divide life into sacred and secular, and God is found in one but not the other. This unit will seek to address this issue directly and help the student to reconceive his/her relationship to God and the world in a more holistic and biblical way.
We will also explore the nature and essential character of discipleship in relation to the cultural situations and the alternative religions of our day. We will focus particularly on consumerism as the major religious alternative to Christianity in our day.
Finally, because missional work is difficult, we will explore the whole concept of sustainability – staying in there for the long haul and developing disciplines and structures for sustainable mission.This unit presents new models of spirituality, consistent and sustainable for mission in a post-modern context.
The original Content Providers who wrote this unit are Alan Hirsch, Michael Frost and Darren Cronshaw.
Beaudoin, Tom, Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998).
Frost, Michael, Eyes Wide Open: Seeing God in the Ordinary (Sydney: Albatross, 1998).
Frost, Michael, and Hirsch, Alan, The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century Church (Peabody: Hendrickson Press, 2003), Section III on Messianic Spirituality.
Jones, Tony, Soul Shaper: Exploring Spirituality and Contemplative Practices in Youth Ministry (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003).
Willard, Dallas, The Divine Conspiracy (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1998).
Frost, Michael, Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Empire (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2006).
Supervised Ministry units allow students to explore the practice of ministry with greater depth. They require students to spend focused time in practical ministry in a certain area of interest, meet regularly with a supervisor, have a mentor, engage in relevant readings, interact with specialists in the field and write practical essays to anchor their learning.
A Supervised Ministry unit should be designated in a specific area of ministry. This may include Children’s Ministry, Mission, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Chaplaincy, Pastoral Care, Worship and Creative Ministries and others. For students in Learning Centres your coordinators will help you to work out what area your ministry placement will be in. At the top of every assignment you submit for this unit, please state the specific area of your ministry placement (e.g. “Pastoral Care”).
This course unit incorporates learning experiences at a practical level as well as giving opportunity to reflect on both the practice and theory of ministry. This reflection occurs with both an appointed supervisor and mentor as well as the formal classroom situation. The mentoring would be with experienced pastors or those in recognised specialist ministries.
By the successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to: